Paremata Boating Club offers coaching for a range of classes and levels of development. The Club’s primary focus is on junior development but we also offer adult instruction in our Learn-to-Sail program.
Our aim is to provide a friendly and safe place where all sailors can learn to absolutely love sailing. We encourage and support our sailors to grow and develop character and confidence while looking after the environment and each other.
The Club’s history and past success has been largely based on competitive sailing and this will remain a core focus. However, sailors young and old vary in how much they enjoy competition. Some just like sailing with their friends, and some take to the competitive side of things at a young age. Sailors are welcome to take part however they wish. Most of all we hope sailors learn to absolutely love sailing!
Learn to Sail graduates become part of the Optimist Rainbow fleet. Sailors continue to use the club plastic Optimist boats in this stage.
Coaching takes place during Friday night sailing.
Coaches continue to support them at all times and ensure they are having fun and learning and developing good sailing skills.
Sailors in Rainbow Fleet start to work through the Yachting NZ level 2 skills.
Rainbow fleet coaching sessions on Friday night cost $90 per term:
Term 1: October- Christmas
Term 2: January - April
Upon graduating from the Rainbow fleet, sailors join the Optimist Green fleet where they learn more about the finer points of sailing well. Sailors work through the skills in YNZ level 2 during this time, as well as learn more about how racing works and continue to have fun sailing with their friends.
Green fleet coaching takes place in the Friday night sailing program, and Green fleet sailors can take part fully in the club sailing on Sundays when their coach advises they are ready to do so.
The emphasis in Green Fleet is still on fun sailing and ensuring sailors enjoy their sailing as they continue to learn.
Green fleet sailors are given opportunities to use the clubs Open Bics and Topaz boats to get experience of sailing a wider range of boats. These boats can be hired.
In general sailors are expected to have their own boats to join in Green fleet sailing, however the club does has a fleet of boats for hire that can be used at this stage until sailors get their own boats.
Bigger sailors during this stage may be encouraged to move into a more suitable boat for their body size, such as an Open Bic or a Starling.
Greenfleet coaching sessions on Friday night cost $90 per term:
Term 1: October- Christmas
Term 2: January - April
Sailors who have graduated from Green fleet sail in Open fleet during club racing. In general this is done in Optimists, Open Skiffs, Starlings or Lasers.
Coaching for Open fleet sailors is on Tuesday evenings during daylight saving as part of the ‘Race Squad’.
The Race Squad comprises junior sailors who are strongly committed to the sport and keen to improve their skills in an accelerated learning program. They are expected to compete in most of the local Wellington regattas as well as targeted away regattas that have been identified by the Sailing Academy Manager, with input from the Optimist and Starling Coaches.
Race Squad members (and their parents) commit to spending additional time on their sailing participating in both sailing and non-sailing activities. Non-sailing activities include physical training, technical theory, racing strategy and other off the water sessions. Some involve additional cost as do away regattas. Fund-raising and grants may help with these costs but sailors should be prepared to cover them personally.
At major away regattas our sailors are up against stiff competition, some of whom sail as often as 4-5 times per week. As there’s no substitute for time on the water a second mid-week evening Race Squad Training session is held on Fridays, again during daylight saving. All Race Squad Training sessions are followed by a debrief and some social time in the clubhouse.
Race Squad Training begins on Tuesday after daylight saving starts and continues until the end of daylight saving but will not be held during school holidays. Sessions will run from 5pm to 7pm and will commence with a briefing. Sailors should ensure they’re at the club no later than 4:30pm in order to rig up and prepare to go out on the water prior to the briefing. As in the past, we’ll bring in expert coaches for some of these sessions.
Race fleet coaching sessions on Tuesday night cost $90 per term:
Term 1: October- Christmas
Term 2: January - April
Tuesday night and Friday night are senior ‘improver’ nights. This is a night when Adult sailors can come to the club to sail. If they wish they can get a coaching session to provide skills to work on. Then they are free to sail where the coach can keep an eye on them from a distance to ensure they get assistance if needed and get back to the club safely. Please email if you wish to come to these sessions to ensure we have adequate coach resource available.
Paremata Boating Club
110 Paremata Road, Paremata, Porirua 5024